先日、ご紹介しましたが、2022年2月14日以降、2回目の接種後、9ヶ月以内にブースターショット(3回目の追加接種)を受けなければ、TraceTogetherアプリから「ワクチン接種済み(Vaccinated)」が消えて、「ワクチン追加接種が必要(Additional dose needed)」に変わるようです。
その結果、「ワクチン追加接種が必要(Additional dose needed)」のステータスに変わると、ワクチン接種証明の照会が必要な場所に入れなくなります。
19. However, we have seen the emergence of a more transmissible Omicron variant, which with the Delta variant, significantly raises the risk of contracting COVID-19 compared to a year ago. To strengthen our protection against a large wave of cases locally and to keep our workplace safe, the MTF announced that from 15 January 2022, unvaccinated workers, barring those medically ineligible, will not be able to return to the workplace even with a negative PET result.
「unvaccinated workers」とは以下からもわかるように、「fully vaccinated workforce」でない人のことを指し、現時点では「2回のワクチン接種が完了していない人」を意味します。
20. This decision is taken in consideration of many factors and in consultation with many different stakeholders. This move was supported by the tripartite partners, who recognised the public health imperative of vaccination and the urgency to sustain business activity to protect livelihoods. A fully vaccinated workforce would be able to operate more safely and sustainably.